Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What’s the survey about?
The survey is about your (or your child’s) experiences with your (or your child’s) primary care provider. The questions concern the quality of your (or your child’s) provider's care that only patients, like you (or your child), can evaluate - like how well the provider listens to patients.

What is Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP)?
MHQP is a local, non-profit group dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered by Massachusetts-based health care providers, hospitals, and health plans.

Who is administering the survey and collecting the data?
The Center for the Study of Services (CSS), an independent survey research organization, is administrating the survey and collecting the data for analysis. The online survey is administered on a secure website run by CSS.

How will my answers be used?
Your answers will be grouped with responses from hundreds of other patients statewide and used to help improve care in primary care providers’ offices throughout Massachusetts. These combined results are made available to your provider and medical group to help them understand how well they are meeting their patients' needs. Next winter, the summary results of all responses to the survey will also be made available online to help people throughout Massachusetts make decisions when choosing a primary care provider.

Why should I do the survey?
Your opinions are important to help your primary care provider and your primary care provider’s practice understand how well their patients' needs are met. The experiences that you and other patients report can help your primary care provider better communicate with patients, ensure that patients get care when needed, and make sure that all of the patient's care is well coordinated. By completing the survey, your feedback will provide information that can help other Massachusetts residents choose a primary care provider.

How was I selected?
You (or your child) were selected at random from among the people who see your (or your child’s) primary care provider.

Are my answers confidential?
Your answers are confidential. The Center for the Study of Services (CSS) is an independent research firm that will collect the survey data and prepare reports that summarize the answers of all patients. Your name will not be shared with the provider or anyone else. Your email address will not be recorded; it is not shared with anyone. Your participation in the survey is voluntary. This online survey is on a secure website run by CSS.

Why do you ask demographic (age, education, etc.) questions?
These types of questions are used to understand how well the needs of different types of people are met. Please note that your answers are always completely confidential and you will never be identified individually to anyone.

Why does the survey include patient comments?
Your comments are an opportunity for you to provide more detailed feedback about the care, treatment, and services you receive from your (or your child’s) provider. This information can then be used to help your provider and healthcare managers know what is working well and/or what may need improvement.

When will the results of the survey be available to the public?
The summary results of all responses to the survey will be made available to the public on MHQP’s website in the winter of 2025.

What if I have technical problems?
Please follow your normal technical support channels, or check the suggestions on our HELP button.

Additional questions/comments: Please email us at [email protected].

©2024 Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP)